Isn’t she gorgeous? Not only her looks, but also her inner beauty. I’ve known this lady since 2010 and I can tell that from the moment we met, I already knew that we’ll have this special connection called friendship. 🙂
I call her “Bern“. I admire her personality so much that we get along well. I have always known her as a girl who takes life in high spirits. And so whenever bunch of problems came up, we really can count on each other. 🙂
In good times and bad, in crazy and stressful moments, we face them all by our bonding time, talking about those issues, helping each other get through it, comfort each other, and have so much fun being together! 😀
Words can’t express how much I am happy being with her 🙂 It is the genuine friendship that makes our bond stronger. I consider her as my sister and girl-friend in one!
Despite distance and busy schedules, we never fail to catch up and update ourselves with the events in our life. Every chance we get, we spend time together and enjoy it to the fullest! 😀
Bern! This blog post will serve as my birthday present for you. I hope you like it 🙂 Thank you for being one of the best girls I have. You know that I love you much as my sister-slash-girlfriend (HAHA!), and I will always be that girl who you can rely on, ALWAYS 🙂 Happy birthday! Growing old na? HAHAHAHA! 😀